티스토리 뷰


[keras] vae spectrum generator

기루광 2019. 4. 27. 12:37

* Variational Autoencoder

생성 모델 중 VAE 정리 진행 중 (영상 대신 1d 시그널  생성 모델)



# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

import os
import keras
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import tensorflow as tf

# In[2]:

def sinosoidal(v):
    fix_wave = np.arange(100)
    return (fix_wave**0.2)*np.sin(0.3*fix_wave + v) + v

# In[3]:

spectrum_y = np.random.normal(size=(1000,1),scale= 0.5)
spectrum_x = np.vstack([sinosoidal(i[0]) for i in spectrum_y])

xmean,xstd = spectrum_x.mean(), spectrum_x.std()
ymean,ystd = spectrum_y.mean(), spectrum_y.std()

stdz_x = (spectrum_x - xmean)/xstd
stdz_y = (spectrum_y - ymean)/ystd

total_size = len(stdz_x)
rand_idx = np.random.permutation(total_size)

x_train = stdz_x[rand_idx][:int(0.7*total_size)]
x_valid = stdz_x[rand_idx][int(0.7*total_size):int(0.8*total_size)]
x_test =  stdz_x[rand_idx][int(0.8*total_size):]

# In[4]:

for i in stdz_x:

# In[ ]:

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from keras.layers import Lambda, Input, Dense
from keras.models import Model
from keras.datasets import mnist
from keras.losses import mse, binary_crossentropy
from keras.utils import plot_model
from keras import backend as K

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import argparse
import os

# reparameterization trick
# instead of sampling from Q(z|X), sample epsilon = N(0,I)
# z = z_mean + sqrt(var) * epsilon
def sampling(args):
    """Reparameterization trick by sampling from an isotropic unit Gaussian.
    # Arguments
        args (tensor): mean and log of variance of Q(z|X)
    # Returns
        z (tensor): sampled latent vector

    z_mean, z_log_var = args
    batch = K.shape(z_mean)[0]
    dim = K.int_shape(z_mean)[1]
    # by default, random_normal has mean = 0 and std = 1.0
    epsilon = K.random_normal(shape=(batch, dim))
    return z_mean + K.exp(0.5 * z_log_var) * epsilon

def plot_results(models,
    """Plots labels and MNIST digits as a function of the 2D latent vector
    # Arguments
        models (tuple): encoder and decoder models
        data (tuple): test data and label
        batch_size (int): prediction batch size
        model_name (string): which model is using this function

    encoder, decoder = models
    x_test, y_test = data
    os.makedirs(model_name, exist_ok=True)

    filename = os.path.join(model_name, "vae_mean.png")
    # display a 2D plot of the digit classes in the latent space
    z_mean, _, _ = encoder.predict(x_test,

    for i, yi in enumerate(grid_y):
        for j, xi in enumerate(grid_x):
            z_sample = np.array([[xi, yi]])
            x_decoded = decoder.predict(z_sample)
            digit = x_decoded[0].reshape(digit_size, digit_size)
            figure[i * digit_size: (i + 1) * digit_size,
                   j * digit_size: (j + 1) * digit_size] = digit

# MNIST dataset

print(spectrum_x.shape, spectrum_y.shape)

original_dim = spectrum_x.shape[1]

# network parameters
input_shape = (original_dim, )
intermediate_dim = 3
batch_size = 64
latent_dim = 2
epochs = 5000

# VAE model = encoder + decoder
# build encoder model
inputs = Input(shape=input_shape, name='encoder_input')
x = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu')(inputs)
z_mean = Dense(latent_dim, name='z_mean')(x)
z_log_var = Dense(latent_dim, name='z_log_var')(x)

# use reparameterization trick to push the sampling out as input
# note that "output_shape" isn't necessary with the TensorFlow backend
z = Lambda(sampling, output_shape=(latent_dim,), name='z')([z_mean, z_log_var])

# instantiate encoder model
encoder = Model(inputs, [z_mean, z_log_var, z], name='encoder')
plot_model(encoder, to_file='vae_mlp_encoder.png', show_shapes=True)

# build decoder model
latent_inputs = Input(shape=(latent_dim,), name='z_sampling')
x = Dense(intermediate_dim, activation='relu')(latent_inputs)
# outputs = Dense(original_dim, activation='sigmoid')(x)
outputs = Dense(original_dim)(x)

# instantiate decoder model
decoder = Model(latent_inputs, outputs, name='decoder')
plot_model(decoder, to_file='vae_mlp_decoder.png', show_shapes=True)

# instantiate VAE model
outputs = decoder(encoder(inputs)[2])
vae = Model(inputs, outputs, name='vae_mlp')

models = (encoder, decoder)
reconstruction_loss = mse(inputs, outputs)

reconstruction_loss *= original_dim
kl_loss = 1 + z_log_var - K.square(z_mean) - K.exp(z_log_var)
kl_loss = K.sum(kl_loss, axis=-1)
kl_loss *= -0.5
vae_loss = K.mean(reconstruction_loss + kl_loss)

vae.fit(x_train, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(x_test, None), verbose=1)
# plot_results(models, data, batch_size=batch_size, model_name="vae_mlp")

# In[26]:

x_decoded = decoder.predict(np.random.random((1000,2))*3)

# In[27]:

for i in x_decoded:

Origin spectrum

VAE generator spectrum

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